
We are a 501c3 Charitable Organization.  Please send contributions to Glyneta Thomson, 1147 Newburry Neck Rd, Surry, ME 04684

Today the Old Surry village School Preservation Group received  $11,030.00 from the the Board President of SATB (Surry Arts at the Barn).  Very generous and we are so thankful to them for this gift to our project.  I deposited this money along with a generous donation from Sarah for $1000 today in our OSVSPG account at Seaboard which gave us a balance of a just under $28, 000.
The only outlay left at this point will be money for the fire escape. ($1,500?)  Otherwise, we have paid for everything we have to finish up this first phase of the project…
This is simply amazing.
We continue on this daunting project and look forward to 2019 with continued confidence and enthusiasm.
Stay tuned!!
Gete and Gary

Please check back soon for donation information or to make an online contribution.

Endorsed by Maine Preservation.  (endorsement letter)